Książka Solutions - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Wprowadzenie – identyfikator
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z podręcznika „Wprowadzenie - ID” z podręcznika Solutions Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „stołówka”, „tablica ogłoszeniowa”, „recepcja” itp.
a small container or bottle used for carrying water or other liquids, typically used by hikers, campers, or soldiers

bidon, kanister

a room that students are taught in, particularly in a college, school, or university

klasa, sala lekcyjna

a long narrow way in a building that has doors on either side opening into different rooms

korytarz, korytarzowy

furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers

biurko, stolik roboczy

a place with special equipment that people go to exercise or play sports

siłownia, centrum fitness

a large board with a smooth white surface that we can write on, especially used for teaching or presentations

biała tablica, tablica suchościeralna

a small computer that you can take with you wherever you go, and it sits on your lap or a table so you can use it

laptop, komputer przenośny

a board on which messages can be posted for public viewing

tablica ogłoszeń, tablica informacyjna

the place or desk usually at a hotel entrance where people go to book a room or check in

recepcja, zarejestrowanie

a group of people who work for a particular company or organization

personel, załoga

a space in a building with walls, a floor, and a ceiling where people do different activities

pokój, pomieszczenie

a book used for the study of a particular subject, especially in schools and colleges

podręcznik, książka do nauki