to form a theory or opinion about a subject without knowing all the facts
spekulować, przypuszczać
a person who takes financial risks for potential profits
spekulant, spekulantka
to be closely connected or have mutual effects
korelować, być w korelacji z
a mutual connection or relation between two or more things
korelacja, związek
having a relationship in which each side is necessary for the other
wzajemny, wzorcowy
to make someone feel disheartened or low in spirits
przygnębiać, zniechęcać
a state of low spirits, sadness, or melancholy
przygnębienie, depresja
to make a statement or narrative more interesting by exaggerating or adding incorrect information
upiększać, przesadzać
paying an excessive amount of attention to someone
troskliwy, zaniepokojony
to argue logically in order to disprove a statement
obalać, spierać się
the act of arguing to prove that something, usually an accusation or evidence, is wrong
odparcie, kontrapunkt
a person who encourages others to make choices that might not be the best or safest
kusiciel, osoba skłaniająca innych do podejmowania ryzykownych decyzji
the study of civilizations of the past and historical periods by the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains