Lista de Palavras Nível C2 - Ordem e permissão
Aqui você aprenderá todas as palavras essenciais para falar sobre Ordem e Permissão, coletadas especificamente para alunos do nível C2.
to deregulate
to remove or reduce regulations or restrictions on a particular industry or activity

desregulamentar, remover regulações

to ram
to forcefully push for something to be accepted or approved, often using strong actions to overcome resistance

forçar, impor

to dragoon
to pressure someone into doing something through intimidation or threats

forçar, intimidar

to condone
to accept or forgive something that is commonly believed to be wrong

tolerar, aprovar

to abide by
to follow the rules, commands, or wishes of someone, showing compliance to their authority

cumprir, obedecer a


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