Cartea Solutions - Pre-intermediar - Unitatea 4 - 4A
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 4 - 4A din manualul Soluții Pre-Intermediar, precum „grindină”, „degerătură”, „sufocare” etc.
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a bright flash, caused by electricity, in the sky or one that hits the ground from within the clouds

fulger, trăsnet

a strong and noisy event in the sky with heavy rain, thunder, lightning, and strong winds.

furtună, timp sever

a dark cloud that forms in the sky and brings rain, thunder, and lightning

nor de furtună, nor de uragan

a type of cloud that forms as a result of rising moist air and often produces rain or other forms of precipitation such as hail or snow

nor de ploaie, nor ploios

a weather condition during which the temperature drops below the freezing point and thin layers of ice are formed on the surfaces

frost, îngheț

(of the weather) having extremely cold temperatures that cause thin layers of ice to form on surfaces

înghețat, frig

a serious injury resulting from excessive exposure to severely cold weather or things, causing the freezing of the nose, toes, fingers, etc.

înghețare, amorțire prin frig

a thin, fog-like cloud consisting of tiny water droplets suspended in the air

ceață, negură

a short period of rain that is usually not as heavy as a storm

ploaie ușoară, plojă

a loud and sharp noise that is made many times when two hard objects hit each other

ciocnire, zgomot

of or relating to the usage of a scale for measuring temperature in which water freezes at 0 degree and boils at 100 degrees

Celsius, grade Celsius

regarding extremely cold temperatures, typically below the freezing point of water

înghețat, foarte rece

having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant

cald, temperat