Adjective ale Atributelor Fizice Umane - Adjective ale trăsăturilor fizice umane
Adjectivele de trăsătură fizică descriu calitățile și caracteristicile inerente ale aspectului fizic al unei persoane.
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having abilities or qualities that go beyond what is considered normal or humanly possible
eating or craving food in large amounts and with great enthusiasm
covered in a salty, colorless liquid that the body produces in reaction to extreme heat, fear, fever, or physical exertion
energetic and physically capable, typically engaging in sports or other vigorous activities
excessively consuming alcohol and struggling to control or stop this habit
alcoolic,dependenți de alcool
(of a person) having enough water or moisture in the body to stay properly nourished and healthy
primarily using one's right hand for tasks
dextru,de mână dreaptă
using or possessing only one hand for tasks, activities, or actions
marked with healed wounds or injuries
cicatrizat,marcat de cicatrici
having well-defined muscles and firmness, often as a result of exercise or physical activity