Adjective care Descriu Experiențele Senzoriale - Adjective de tipar
Aceste adjective descriu aranjarea și repetarea formelor, culorilor sau desenelor pe obiecte și suprafețe.
Fișe de studiu
having a pattern of straight parallel lines
cu dungi, cu linii paralele
decorated with a series of small, circular spots or points
cu puncte, căptușit cu puncte
having wrinkles, often due to aging or environmental factors
zăluzit, cutez
covered with small, distinct spots or marks, often irregularly distributed
pătat, făcut cu pete
not having any writing, drawing, or other visible content, often appearing empty or plain
gol, alb
having a pattern of small squares with different colors
caro, cu pătrățele
having a pattern resembling the natural veining or blotching of marble, often with swirls or streaks of different colors
marmorat, pătat
having a pattern of evenly spaced, round spots or dots
cu buline, pătat
(of fabric) having a pattern of light narrow lines on a dark background
cu dungi subțiri, dungi subtiri
having irregular spots or blotches of different colors or shades
peteș, marmorat
marked with small dots or spots, often used to create texture or shading in artwork or patterns
punteat, stropșit
having small, scattered spots or specks of a different color or substance
stropit, mânjit
resembling or reminding one of flowers through visual patterns, designs, or impressions
floral, cu flori
having a pattern or design consisting of squares or square-like shapes
pătrățos, cu model în pătrate
having a pattern or design featuring a teardrop-shaped motif with intricate swirling and curving details
cu motiv paisley, în stil paisley
marked with thin lines or grooves, often creating a pattern on a surface
striated, zidărit