Boken Four Corners 3 - Enhet 7 Lektion A – Del 2
Här hittar du ordförrådet från Enhet 7 Lektion A - Del 2 i Four Corners 3-kursboken, som "omtänksamt", "entusiastisk", "beslutsam" osv.
in a way that shows confidence and trust in oneself or another person's abilities, plans, etc.

självsäkert, med förtroende

in a manner that shows one cares about feelings, needs, or rights of other people

omtänksamt, försiktigt

making use of imagination or innovation in bringing something into existence

kreativ, skapande

in a way that shows imagination, innovation, or originality

kreativt, på kreativt sätt

in a way that shows one is determined and serious about making a decision

beslutsamt, avgörande

(of a person) having difficulty making choices or decisions, often due to fear, lack of confidence, or overthinking

tveksam, osäker

(of a conclusion or result) in a way that is not final or definite

oklart, osäkert

having or showing intense excitement, eagerness, or passion for something

entusiastisk, ivrig

in a manner that shows great willingness, interest, or excitement

entusiastiskt, med entusiasm

in a way that treats everyone equally or is according to reason and moral standards

rättvist, på ett rättvist sätt

following the latest or the most popular styles and trends in a specific period

moderiktig, elegant

with accordance to the latest or the most popular trends or styles in a specific period

modernt, stilig

used to express that something positive or favorable has happened or is happening by chance

lyckligtvis, tur nog

stylish, attractive, and often associated with luxury or sophistication

glamourös, lysande

in a way that is strikingly attractive and full of glamor

glamoröst, i glamourösa termer

not fully developed mentally or emotionally, often resulting in behaviors or reactions that are childish

omogen, barnslig

in a way that is childish, lacking emotional or intellectual maturity

omoget, barnsligt

unable to wait calmly for something or someone, often feeling irritated or frustrated

otålig, ivrig

in a manner that reflects a strong desire for quick action or results

otåligt, med otålighet

(of a person) lacking or having no respect or regard for others' feelings or rights

hänsynslös, oartig