Sammansatta Adverb - Klargörande & informerar
Bemästra engelska sammansatta adverb för att förtydliga och informera, som "faktiskt" och "utöver".
used to refer to the specific matter or topic being discussed or considered
used to express one's uncertainty about the statement one has made as there might be something that makes it untrue
used to introduce a statement that presents a truth or reality, often to clarify or emphasize something
used to introduce a statement that provides factual information or clarifies a point with accuracy

faktiskt, i själva verket

used to introduce a statement that provides additional information or emphasizes the truth or reality of a situation

faktiskt, i själva verket

used to contrast with appearances or assumptions, emphasizing the actual state of affairs or the way things truly are

i verkligheten, i själva verket

used to emphasize that something is being expressed honestly or genuinely, often revealing the real facts or feelings

i sanning, verkligen

used to introduce an explanation or clarification of a point just made

det vill säga, med andra ord

used to indicate something that is typically or generally true or customary

som regel, i allmänhet