Prepositioner - Tidsprepositioner
Dessa prepositioner förtydligar tidpunkten när något ägde rum eller en handling gjordes.
used to specify the intended or scheduled time for an event, activity, or arrangement

för, till

used to indicate the deadline or point in time at or before which an action or event is expected to occur or be completed

senast fredag, före fredag

used to indicate the arrival or occurrence of a particular time, event, or situation

När måndagen kommer, Från måndagen

used to indicate the timeframe within which an action, event, or process occurs

under, genom

used to indicate that something has happened or existed throughout a long period of time

genom, under

used before a specific period of time to show when or at what time something happens or how long it takes for it to happen

i, inom

used to indicate that someone or something is waiting for or dependent on another event, decision, or action

i väntan på, beroende av

used to indicate a specific point in time or a reference point from which information or a situation is being considered

från och med nu, per datum

referring to the period or duration during which something happens, develops, or takes place

under tiden, i løpet av