Grundläggande 1 - Kläder & Accessoarer
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord om kläder och accessoarer, som "glasögon", "shorts" och "ring", förberedda för elever på grundnivå.
the styles and trends of clothing, accessories, makeup, and other items that are popular in a certain time and place

mode, stil

a type of small bag in or on clothing, used for carrying small things such as money, keys, etc.


a pair of lenses set in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, which we wear to see more clearly


a pocket-sized, folding case that is used for storing paper money, coin money, credit cards, etc.

plånbok, wallet

a piece of jewelry, consisting of a chain, string of beads, etc. worn around the neck as decoration


a small, round band of metal such as gold, silver, etc. that we wear on our finger, and is often decorated with precious stones


to place or wear something on the body, including clothes, accessories, etc.

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