Utbildning - Utbildningsresurser
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till utbildningsresurser som "bok", "uppslagsverk" och "korpus".
a set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that we can turn them and read them

bok, skrift

a book used for the study of a particular subject, especially in schools and colleges

lärobok, skolbok

a book that provides information on a particular subject, often used for consultation or research purposes

referensbok, uppslagsbok

a work containing useful information on a particular subject, often consulted for guidance or clarification

referens, uppslagsverk

a textbook or instructional material used in a particular course or educational program to guide teaching and learning activities

kursbok, litteratur

a book containing a collection of legal cases, typically used for studying and analyzing legal principles and precedents in law school

fallbok, rättsfallbok

a book containing a collection of words, usually with their meanings, synonyms, and sometimes usage examples

ordbok, lexikon

a book or electronic resource that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings, or gives the equivalent words in a different language


a book or set of books that contains information on all branches of knowledge, or a particular branch of knowledge, typically arranged alphabetically by article title


a collection of selected writings by various authors, often on a similar theme or subject


a collection of related works, documents, or literature, often assembled for research or scholarly purposes

korpus, samling

a concise reference book providing information and instructions on a particular subject or topic

handbok, guide

an introductory book that provides basic knowledge on a subject

introduktionsbok, grundbok

a detailed written account of a particular subject, usually in the format of a short book


a document that outlines the topics, assignments, and expectations for a course

kursplan, syllabus

a publication or online database that lists and describes the courses, programs, and academic offerings of a school, college, or university

katalog, förteckning

a curated collection of written works intended for reading, often organized by theme, genre, or academic purpose

läslista, läsrekommendationer

a piece of writing about a particular subject on a website, in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication


a magazine or newspaper that gives information about a specific topic

tidskrift, magasin

a part of a book that is intended to be used for learning a specific subject

lektion, kurs

a course of instruction that is presented to an individual or a small number of students, typically focused on a specific subject or topic

handledning, privatlektion

printed material given to people, usually at lectures, meetings, or conferences, to provide information or summarize key points

broschyr, informationsblad

written or typed records summarizing key points, concepts, and information covered during a lecture or presentation

föreläsningsanteckningar, kursanteckningar

a paper or digital document containing exercises, questions, or tasks intended for learning

arbetsblad, övningsblad

a useful guide, either written or with pictures, that helps one understand or remember complicated information

fuskpapper, referensblad

a small card with words or pictures on it, which help students to learn or memorize things

studiekort, flashcard