Müzik - Müzik Endüstrisindeki Diğer İnsanlar
Burada "besteci", "maestro" ve "falsetto" gibi müzik endüstrisindeki insanlarla ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
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Flash kartlar
the marching band leader who conducts performances and coordinates musicians' movements

bando şefi, davulbaşı
a person who is an expert or master in conducting or directing an orchestra or musical performance

orkestra şefi, maestro
a male singer with the highest adult male voice or a female singer with the lowest female voice

alto sesli sanatçı
someone who announces or plays popular recorded music on radio or TV, or at a disco, club, etc.

a singer that uses a male singing voice that extends over the range of a tenor voice

falsesyo, yalancı ses

the lead female vocalist or performer in a pop or rock band

müzik grubunun kadın solisti
a female singer with a voice ranged between soprano and contralto

mezzo soprano sesli şarkıcı
the person who manages the musical aspects of a production or performance, such as the conductor of an orchestra

müzik yönetmeni
a female or young male singer with a singing voice that has the highest range

soprano sesli kadın sanatçı
a singer or band that open a pop or rock concert before the main act

destek sanatçısı, açılış sanatçısı

an adult male singer with the highest natural singing voice that is just below the lowest range of a women's voice

a person whose job is to introduce and play music videos on TV, at a party, etc.

video jokey
an individual who oversees and manages the production process of creating recorded music

plak yapımcısı
sound professional responsible for recording, mixing, and editing audio to achieve desired results

ses mühendisi
a professional who represents and promotes musicians or bands, helping them secure performances, tours, and other opportunities in the music industry

müzik ajani
someone who instructs others in the theory, practice, and appreciation of music

müzik öğretmeni
a male singer with a high vocal range, typically singing in the alto or soprano register

erkek kontrtenor