Duyular ve Duygular Fiilleri - Empati için Fiiller
Burada "sempati kurmak", "acımak" ve "teselli etmek" gibi empatiye atıfta bulunan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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Flash kartlar
to understand and share the feelings of someone, showing empathy and compassion for what they are going through

sempati duymak, paylaşmak

to be able to comprehend and empathize with someone else's feelings, problems etc.

anlayış göstermek
to deeply understand and share the feelings or experiences of someone else

empati kurmak, anlamak

to feel sorrow or compassion for the misfortunes or suffering of someone.

acılamak, merhamet etmek

to express sympathy or pity, especially with someone who is experiencing misfortune, hardship, or sorrow

empati kurmak
to provide treatment for or help a person or an animal that is sick or injured

bakımını üstlenmek
to care for the needs of someone or something with attention and responsibility

bakmak, ilgi göstermek

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

ihtimam göstermek
to express sympathy, compassion, or sorrow, especially in response to someone's grief, loss, or misfortune

başsağlığı dilemek, taziyede bulunmak

to lessen the emotional pain or worry that someone feels by showing them sympathy and kindness

teselli vermek, avutmak
to offer comfort, support, or emotional strength to someone

teselli etmek, destek olmak

to help a person, who is either disappointed or emotionally suffering, feel better
