Kara Ulaşımı - Tarihi Araçlar ve Vagonlar
Burada "dandy at", "litter" ve "fayton" gibi tarihi araç ve arabalarla ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
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a vehicle powered by a steam engine, typically fueled by burning combustible material

buharlı araba, buharlı araç

a three-wheeled vehicle powered by a steam engine, typically used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

buhar üç tekerlekli bisiklet, buhar motorlu üç tekerlekli araç

an early two-wheeled, human-powered vehicle that is propelled by the rider pushing their feet against the ground

dandy at, iki tekerlekli araç

an early form of bicycle, typically with three wheels and pedals for moving


a type of early motorcycle with an additional passenger seat mounted in front of the rider

forecar, ön koltuklu motosiklet

a type of monorail or two-wheeled vehicle that uses gyroscopes to maintain balance and stability

gyrocar, jiroskopik araç

a human-powered vehicle, typically an enclosed chair or bed, carried on poles by people

sedye, branda

a type of carriage or vehicle used for transportation, typically pulled by horses or other animals

a light, open carriage with two wheels, often used in the 19th century

tilbury, hafif fayton

a lightweight, two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage, typically used for one person, often in horse racing

sulky, tek atlı fayton

a type of horse-drawn carriage designed for two passengers, with the driver seated behind and above the cab, often used as a taxi in the 19th and early 20th centuries

hansom taksi, hansom araba

a doorless two-wheeled vehicle that holds one or two passengers and is drawn by a person walking or cycling, used in South East Asia

a vehicle on runners, typically horse-drawn, used for traveling over snow or ice

kızak, kayak

a light four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with open sides and a folding fabric roof

fayton, hafif dört tekerlekliâriye

a four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage with a folding two-part roof that can be opened or closed, typically used for formal occasions

landau, at arabası

a four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage with a roof, an enclosed cabin for passengers, and an outside seat for the driver


a light, open, two-wheeled carriage, usually for one or two people, often drawn by one horse

dört tekerlekli araba, şeytan arabası

a large, horse-drawn carriage used to carry passengers over long distances, often between towns

diligans, atlıca

a big, four-wheeled carriage pulled by horses. It has a foldable top over the back seat and seats for four people facing each other

baroklu araba, dört tekerlekli at arabası

a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by dogs, traditionally used for travel over snow and ice

köpek kızağı, köpek yükü

a light, elegant, two-wheeled carriage with a folding hood, originally designed for two passengers


a type of sled historically used by Native American tribes and early settlers to transport goods over land, consisting of two long poles attached at one end and dragged by a horse or dog

travois, kayak

a simple, two-wheeled vehicle typically drawn by a horse or other animal, used for transporting goods and people

taşıma arabası, arabalık