Розширений Словниковий Запас для GRE - Брижі в ставку
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова про зміни, причину та наслідок, такі як «зловмисний», «трифлінг», «констрикт» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту GRE.
possessing the quality of being the most important or basic part of something

кардинальний, основний

simultaneously occurring with something else as it is either related to it or an outcome of it

супутній, одночасний

producing results that are contrary to what was intended

контрпродуктивний, шкідливий

not relevant or significant to the current situation, discussion, etc.

неістотний, незначний

capable of easily being molded or shaped into taking another form

пластичний, моделювальний

extraordinary and serving as a warning or sign of future events, often suggesting something bad or threatening

погрозливий, предвістник

to make a person or thing seem more important or impressive than they actually are

збільшувати, прославляти

to end or lessen a person's anger by giving in to their demands

втихомирити, заспокоїти

to take away from something's effect, value, size, power, or amount

ослабити, зменшити

to raise someone or something to a higher rank or better position

підвищити, висувати

to encourage or provoke something, especially trouble or conflict

підбурювати, саперувати

to push someone into taking action, particularly by evoking a strong emotion in them

гальванізувати, підштовхнути

to help someone feel relaxed and calm or to help them fall asleep

заспокоювати, колисати

to incorrectly state what or who created or caused something

неправильно приписувати, помилково приписувати

to move back and forth in a regular rhythm between two or more states, positions, or opinions

коливатися, варіюватися

to cause a person or thing to come across as less significant

затмити, перевершити

to cause something to increase rapidly in number or size

проліферувати, множитися

to forcefully bring the development or growth of something that is troubling to an end

придушити, пригнічувати

to take something or someone's position or place, particularly due to being more effective or up-to-date

замінити, відтіснити

a thing that reduces the chances of someone doing something because it makes them aware of its difficulties or consequences

стримуючий фактор, дійсний захист

the moment in which a situation or life is at its lowest or worst

надір, найнижча точка

someone or something that comes before another of the same type, acting as a sign of what will come next

попередник, предтеча

to keep something bad under control in order to prevent deterioration or to slow down its spread or development

стримувати, контролювати

(of roads, paths, lines, etc.) to lead toward a point that connects them

зходитися, конвергувати