
GRE のための上級語彙 - 池の波紋










Advanced Words Needed for the GRE

able to bring about dangerous or destructive consequences

不吉な, 危険な

不吉な, 危険な

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possessing the quality of being the most important or basic part of something

基礎的な, 重要な

基礎的な, 重要な

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simultaneously occurring with something else as it is either related to it or an outcome of it

随伴する, 同時に発生する

随伴する, 同時に発生する

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producing results that are contrary to what was intended

逆効果の, 非生産的な

逆効果の, 非生産的な

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of no determination, competence, or strength

無能な, 役立たずの

無能な, 役立たずの

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not relevant or significant to the current situation, discussion, etc.

重要でない, 無関係な

重要でない, 無関係な

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recently started to develop, thus not complete

未成熟な, 始まったばかりの

未成熟な, 始まったばかりの

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lacking significance or importance

重要でない, 取るに足らない

重要でない, 取るに足らない

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lasting for only a brief period

一時的な, 過渡的な

一時的な, 過渡的な

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without any value or importance

取るに足りない, つまらない

取るに足りない, つまらない

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capable of easily being molded or shaped into taking another form

プラスチックの, 成形可能な

プラスチックの, 成形可能な

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extraordinary and serving as a warning or sign of future events, often suggesting something bad or threatening

不吉な, 前兆となる

不吉な, 前兆となる

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referring or relating to a past event

回顧的な, 後向的な

回顧的な, 後向的な

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to aggrandize

to make a person or thing seem more important or impressive than they actually are

拡大する, 誇張する

拡大する, 誇張する

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to appease

to end or lessen a person's anger by giving in to their demands

なだめる, 鎮める

なだめる, 鎮める

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to attenuate

to take away from something's effect, value, size, power, or amount

弱める, 減少させる

弱める, 減少させる

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to burgeon

to have a rapid development or growth

急成長する, 芽生える

急成長する, 芽生える

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to constrict

to restrict the things someone can or wants to do

制限する, 絞る

制限する, 絞る

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to culminate

to end by coming to a climactic point

 culminate, 頂点に達する

culminate, 頂点に達する

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to deflect

to stop a person from doing what they initially intended

そらす, 逸脱させる

そらす, 逸脱させる

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to elevate

to raise someone or something to a higher rank or better position

昇進させる, 引き上げる

昇進させる, 引き上げる

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to foment

to either worsen or cause violence, trouble, etc.

あおる, 扇動する

あおる, 扇動する

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to galvanize

to push someone into taking action, particularly by evoking a strong emotion in them

刺激する, 促す

刺激する, 促す

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to lull

to help someone feel relaxed and calm or to help them fall asleep

静める, 眠りに落ちさせる

静める, 眠りに落ちさせる

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to wax

to grow in strength, size, intensity, etc.

成長する, 増す

成長する, 増す

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to misattribute

to incorrectly state what or who created or caused something

誤って帰属させる, 誤って指摘する

誤って帰属させる, 誤って指摘する

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to obtain

to be widely common, applied, or recognized

存在する, 適用される

存在する, 適用される

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to oscillate

to move back and forth in a regular rhythm between two or more states, positions, or opinions

揺れる, 変動する

揺れる, 変動する

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to overshadow

to cause a person or thing to come across as less significant

陰になっている, 目立たなくさせる

陰になっている, 目立たなくさせる

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to permeate

to expand to every part of a thing

浸透する, 蔓延する

浸透する, 蔓延する

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to proliferate

to cause something to increase rapidly in number or size

増殖する, 急増する

増殖する, 急増する

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to squelch

to forcefully bring the development or growth of something that is troubling to an end

抑える, 封じる

抑える, 封じる

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to supersede

to take something or someone's position or place, particularly due to being more effective or up-to-date

取って代わる, 超える

取って代わる, 超える

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a thing that reduces the chances of someone doing something because it makes them aware of its difficulties or consequences

抑止要因, ディタレント

抑止要因, ディタレント

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the moment in which a situation or life is at its lowest or worst

ナディール, 最低点

ナディール, 最低点

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someone or something that comes before another of the same type, acting as a sign of what will come next

前兆, 先駆者

前兆, 先駆者

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to check

to keep something bad under control in order to prevent deterioration or to slow down its spread or development

抑える, 制御する

抑える, 制御する

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to converge

(of roads, paths, lines, etc.) to lead toward a point that connects them

収束する, 合流する

収束する, 合流する

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status quo

the situation or condition that is currently at hand

現状, ステータス・クォ

現状, ステータス・クォ

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to assuage

to help reduce the severity of an unpleasant feeling

和らげる, 軽減する

和らげる, 軽減する

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the highest point that a certain celestial body reaches, directly above an observer



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