GRE کے لیے اعلیٰ درجے کے الفاظ - تالاب میں لہریں
یہاں آپ تبدیلی، وجہ اور اثر کے بارے میں کچھ انگریزی الفاظ سیکھیں گے، جیسے کہ "baleful"، "trifling"، "constrict" وغیرہ جو GRE امتحان کے لیے درکار ہیں۔
فلیش کارڈز
possessing the quality of being the most important or basic part of something

بنیادی, اہم

simultaneously occurring with something else as it is either related to it or an outcome of it

ہم وقت, ہمراہ

producing results that are contrary to what was intended

منفی اثر ڈالنے والا, غیر موثر

not relevant or significant to the current situation, discussion, etc.

غیر متعلقہ, غیر اہم

extraordinary and serving as a warning or sign of future events, often suggesting something bad or threatening

نشان دینے والا, خطرناک

to make a person or thing seem more important or impressive than they actually are

بڑھانا, عظیم بنانا

to take away from something's effect, value, size, power, or amount

کمزور کرنا, گھٹانا

to raise someone or something to a higher rank or better position

اعلیٰ مقام پر پہنچانا, ترفیع دینا

to push someone into taking action, particularly by evoking a strong emotion in them

جوش دلا دینا, عمل کی طرف مائل کرنا

to incorrectly state what or who created or caused something

غلط طور پر اسناد دینا, غلط طور پر منصوب کرنا

to move back and forth in a regular rhythm between two or more states, positions, or opinions

تذبذب کرنا, بدلنا

to cause a person or thing to come across as less significant

سایہ ڈالنا, کم اہم بنانا

to forcefully bring the development or growth of something that is troubling to an end

دبانا, بند کرنا

to take something or someone's position or place, particularly due to being more effective or up-to-date

جگہ لینا, مقابلہ کرنا

a thing that reduces the chances of someone doing something because it makes them aware of its difficulties or consequences

ردع, ممنوعہ

someone or something that comes before another of the same type, acting as a sign of what will come next

پیشرو, اشارہ

to keep something bad under control in order to prevent deterioration or to slow down its spread or development

روکنا, کنٹرول کرنا

(of roads, paths, lines, etc.) to lead toward a point that connects them

مخلوط ہونا, یکجا ہونا