Медична Наука - Описування ліків
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з описом ліків, наприклад «curative», «oral» і «potent».
relating to medications or treatments that inhibit the replication of retroviruses, such as HIV

антиретровірусний, антиретровірусна

related to substances or agents that have the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria

антибактеріальний, бактерицидний

inhibiting or destroying the growth and replication of viruses

антивірусний, антивірусне

intended or designed to improve or correct a bad or undesirable situation

корективний, коригуючий

(medicine) relating to substances or treatments that have the potential to lead to dependency or the development of a regular, difficult-to-break routine in individuals using them

такой, що викликає залежність

(medicine) related to pharmaceutical substances or treatments that alter mental functions or perceptions, commonly used in psychiatric or neurological care

змінюючий свідомість, психотропний

taking substances or measures to prevent the occurrence or spread of disease or infection


(medicine) inducing vivid sensory perceptions, altered states of consciousness, or heightened awareness, often associated with hallucinogenic effects

психоделічний, галюциногенний

(medicine) affecting the mind or mental processes, often leading to alterations in mood, perception, or consciousness

психоактивний, психотропний

related to treatments or actions that aim to fix or improve health issues

ремедійний, лікувальний

(of drugs and medications) used to alleviate or prevent depression


(of a drug or substance) affecting one's mind in a harmful way

наркотичний, психотропний

related to methods or drugs that can remove or reduce pain

знеболювальний, анальгетичний

effective against a wide range of pathogens or diseases

широкий спектр, бroad-spectrum

describing to substances or techniques used to improve physical or cognitive abilities, often in sports or competition

покращувальний, перформанс-покращувальний

(medicine) available for purchase without requiring a prescription from a healthcare professional

безрецептурний, без рецепта