Медична Наука - Медичні інструменти та прилади
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з медичними інструментами та пристроями, наприклад «голка», «зонд» і «шина».
a device that tests and measures hearing by presenting different tones at varying volumes and frequencies


a device used by doctors and physicians that produces an image of structures within the body on a computer screen

сканер, медичний сканер

a device that spins samples to separate components based on density

центрифуга, центрифужний апарат

a piece of equipment that uses a preset voltage to apply an electric shock to the chest wall or heart


a device used for controlled and measured release of medications, fluids, or other substances in healthcare settings

дозатор, пристрій для дозування

a lighted optical instrument that consists of a very small camera and is used to look inside a body cavity or an organ


a medical device for holding IV fluid bags and administering fluids or medications to patients

ін'єкційний стійка, інфузійний стовп

a medical instrument for examining the ear canal and eardrum during medical checkups


a chair with wheels that is designed particularly for the use of disabled persons

інвалідний візок, коляска

a specialized area or station where healthcare professionals perform tasks such as patient monitoring, medication administration, or record-keeping

робоча станція, робоче місце

a flat and thin medical instrument, usually made of wood or plastic, used to hold down the tongue during a mouth and throat examination

прихватка язика, долото язика

a device used to measure a person's body temperature to assess for fever or abnormal temperature

термометр, цифровий термометр

a device that produces quick flashes of light to make the movements of the vocal cords appear slower for detailed examination and diagnosis


a device with a small wheel and sharp spikes used for sensory stimulation or as a diagnostic tool in neurology

колесо Вартенберга

an instrument used by physicians or scientists in medical operations for picking up, holding, and pulling things

щипці, форцепс

a small thin-bladed surgical knife particularly used in surgery

скальпель, хірургічний ніж

a piece of medical equipment that facilitates breathing by sending air in and out of the lungs to assist patients in cases of respiratory failure

вентилятор, апарат штучної вентиляції легень

a medical device that generates heat in tissues using high-frequency electrical currents for therapeutic purposes

діатермальна машина, апарат для діатермії

a medical device that measures blood pressure by applying and releasing external pressure to the artery, providing systolic and diastolic readings


a medical device used to measure blood pressure with an inflatable cuff, gauge, and stethoscope or digital display

тонометр, апарат для вимірювання кров'яного тиску

a device that measures and analyzes body composition for health and fitness assessment

анализатор складу тіла, пристрій для оцінки складу тіла

a portable medical device used for 24-hour heart activity monitoring to assess heart rhythm and detect cardiac abnormalities

монітор Холтер, пристрій Холтер

a medical device for precise tissue cutting, coagulation, and cauterization during surgery, using electrical energy

електрохірургічний апарат, електрохірургійний пристрій

a backlit panel for viewing x-ray films and radiographic images by healthcare professionals

люмінесцентна панель для рентгенівських знімків, ілюмінатор для рентгенівських знімків

a medical tool for examining the interior of the eye, aiding in the diagnosis of eye conditions


a device used during surgery to remove smoke and odors from electrocautery or laser devices for a clear and safe surgical field

вилучник диму, екстрактор диму

a medical instrument used to assess reflexes by striking tendons during neurological examinations

рефлекторний молоток, молоток для рефлексів

an electronic device implanted inside a person's body to help regulate their heart rate

кардіостимулятор, пейсмейкер

a slender medical instrument with a blunt end used particularly for exploration of wounds or body cavities

зонд, дослідник

a medical instrument used during the internal genitalia examination to dilate the opening of a body cavity

спекулум, розширювач

an instrument fitted with two poles and a long piece of canvas used to carry the sick, the injured, or the dead

носилки, каталка

a hypodermic device used in emergencies to treat a severe allergic reaction by giving an injection of epinephrine

EpiPen, автоінжектор

an immobilizing device, such as a cast or brace, that protects a broken or injured part of the body during therapy or recovery period

шина, сплінт

a device that keeps someone alive when they are seriously ill and are unable to breathe on their own

апарат штучної вентиляції легень, пристрій для підтримки життя

an electronic device that warns of trouble and continuously tracks the operation of a system

монітор, блок спостереження

a breathing device worn over the nose and mouth that is hooked up to an oxygen tank

киснева маска, маска для подачі кисню

a slender, solid, often sharp-pointed instrument used for withdrawing blood samples, injecting medicine, etc.


a tube with a long hollow needle at the end that is used to inject or withdraw fluids

шприц, шприц медичний

a metal enclosing framework with wheels and handles that helps disabled or frail people maintain their balance while walking

ходунки, долотові

specialized cutting instruments used in surgery for precise cutting and dissecting of tissues with serrated edges and different blade shapes

хірургічні ножиці, операційні ножиці

a magnifying tool used in surgery for precise visualization of the surgical field

операційний мікроскоп, хірургічний мікроскоп

a stitch or series of stitches made to secure the edges of a wound or surgical opening

шов, зшивання

a surgical instrument used to hold and manipulate needles during suturing procedures

підхват для голки, затискач для голок

the tools or methods that repair or enhance physiological functions for health improvement

відновлювальні засоби, ремонтні засоби

a small electronic device that is worn in or behind the ear and is specifically designed to amplify inaudible sounds to help a person with hearing loss

слуховий апарат, апарат для слуху