العلوم الطبية - وصف الأدوية
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بوصف الأدوية، مثل "علاجي"، "عن طريق الفم"، و "قوي".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
relating to medications or treatments that inhibit the replication of retroviruses, such as HIV
مضاد الفيروسات العكسية, مضاد الفيروسات العكسية
related to substances or agents that have the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria
مضاد للبكتيريا, قاتل للبكتيريا
inhibiting or destroying the growth and replication of viruses
مضاد فيروسات, مضاد للفيروسات
medically clean and free from any form of contamination
معقم, خالي من التلوث
intended or designed to improve or correct a bad or undesirable situation
تصحيحي, تصحيحية
(medicine) relating to substances or treatments that have the potential to lead to dependency or the development of a regular, difficult-to-break routine in individuals using them
مسبب للإدمان, يتسبب في الاعتياد
within, administered into, taking place in, or connected to a vein
وريدي, وريدية
(medicine) related to pharmaceutical substances or treatments that alter mental functions or perceptions, commonly used in psychiatric or neurological care
مغير للعقل, معدّل للوظائف العقلية
taking substances or measures to prevent the occurrence or spread of disease or infection
(medicine) inducing vivid sensory perceptions, altered states of consciousness, or heightened awareness, often associated with hallucinogenic effects
نفسي, هلوسة
(medicine) affecting the mind or mental processes, often leading to alterations in mood, perception, or consciousness
مؤثر عقلي, منشط نفسي
related to treatments or actions that aim to fix or improve health issues
علاجي, تصحيحي
(of drugs and medications) used to alleviate or prevent depression
مُضاد للاكتئاب
(of a drug or substance) affecting one's mind in a harmful way
مخدر, مخدر نفسي
related to methods or drugs that can remove or reduce pain
مُسَكِّن, مُخَفِّف للألم
effective against a wide range of pathogens or diseases
طيف واسع, النطاق الواسع
describing to substances or techniques used to improve physical or cognitive abilities, often in sports or competition
مُعَزِز للأداء, مُحسِّن للأداء
(medicine) available for purchase without requiring a prescription from a healthcare professional
غير موصوف, بدون وصفة
combining diverse elements or practices into a unified whole, often used in healthcare or wellness
تكاملي, مُدمج