Медична Наука - Обстеження та діагностика
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з обстеженням і діагностикою, наприклад «ультразвукове дослідження», «ендоскопія» та «біопсія».
the process of removing and analyzing tissue from the body of a sick person to learn more about their condition


a medical examination in which a small amount of blood is taken from a person to find out if they have any diseases or health conditions

аналіз крові, тест на кров

a medical examination during which a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body is created by the use of a computer linked to an X-ray machine

КТ, комп'ютерна томографія

the identification of the nature and cause of an illness or other problem

діагноз, діагностика

an ultrasound test that shows a detailed image of the heart

ехокардіограма, ультразвукове дослідження серця

a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that uses sound waves to look at tissues and organs inside the chest, particularly the heart


a detailed medical examination in which a person is tested to find out any diseases or disorders

медичний огляд, перевірка здоров'я

a careful and complete physical assessment of a person's health

медичний огляд, медична оцінка

a technique in which a powerful magnetic field is used to produce detailed images of areas inside the body

магнітно-резонансна томографія, МРТ

a professional opinion regarding the likely course of an illness

прогноз, прогнозування

a small amount of a substance taken from a larger amount used for scientific analysis or therapeutic experiment

зразок, екземпляр

a medical test during which data is obtained by the images produced using a sensing device that examines organs or regions of the body

сканування, томографія

any systematic activity that attempts to identify the presence of a particular disease in a person's body

скринінг, обстеження

a medical procedure where a flexible tube with a camera is used to check the inside of the colon for health reasons


a medical laboratory test used to measure amylase enzyme levels in blood or urine for diagnosing pancreatic conditions

тест на амілазу, аналіз на амілазу

a medical imaging technique that assesses tissue elasticity, aiding in the identification of abnormalities without invasive procedures

еластографія, техніка еластографії

a medical procedure using a colposcope to examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva for cervical conditions or cancer screening


a small amount of something such as urine, blood, etc. that is taken for examination

зразок, екземпляр

a medical examination of the body or a part of body to detect possible health issues

медичний тест, медичне обстеження

the application of ultrasonic waves for medical purposes, such as producing an image of a growing fetus

ультразвук, УЗД

the recording or display of the electrical activity of someone's heart that is measured by an electrocardiograph


a diagnostic method for assessing muscle and nerve function by recording their electrical activity


real-time X-ray imaging for diagnostics and interventions

флюороскопія, флюороскопічні зображення

a diagnostic imaging method using contrast dye to visualize spinal cord abnormalities


a laboratory technique used to amplify DNA for various applications in medical diagnostics, genetic testing, and research

полімеразна ланцюгова реакція, ПЛР

a diagnostic tool that confirms if someone is pregnant by checking for a hormone called hCG

тест на вагітність, перевірка на вагітність

a medical test that evaluates vestibular disorders using eye movement recordings


a non-invasive assessment of visual acuity and eye health to detect potential vision problems or eye disorders

скринінг зору, перегляд зору

a health assessment by a professional to evaluate the body for abnormalities

фізичний огляд, фізична оцінка

(of a scientific test) showing that a particular substance or condition exists

(of a scientific test) showing that there is no sign of a disease or a particular condition

a test to assess the heart's function and performance during physical activity or stress

кардіострес-тест, тест на фізичне навантаження для серця

a diagnostic examination that analyzes a person's fecal sample to assess digestive health and detect abnormalities or infections

аналі́з калу, дослідження калу

a neurodiagnostic technique that records brain electrical activity using scalp electrodes to assess function and detect abnormalities


an examination of a deceased person's organs to determine the cause of death


an X-ray for early detection of breast cancer and abnormalities

мамографія, рентген молочної залози

an X-ray imaging technique used to screen and detect breast abnormalities, including early signs of cance

мамографія, рентгенографія молочної залози

a medical imaging technique that uses radioactive tracers to visualize body functions

ПЕТ (позитронно-емісійна томографія)

a diagnostic test used to assess the health and function of facial nerves by measuring their electrical signals


a diagnostic test used to evaluate the health and function of nerves by measuring their electrical signals


a test to measure eye muscle activity for assessing eye movement and health

електроокулографія, тест на електроокулографію

test to measure retinal function and detect vision abnormalities

електроретинографія, тест на електроретинографію

a medical procedure using a flexible tube with a light and camera to examine internal organs


a procedure using a swallowed capsule with sensors to monitor the gastrointestinal tract

ендолюмінальний моніторинг капсулами, моніторинг за допомогою ендолюмінальної капсули

a procedure using a flexible tube with a camera to examine the stomach through the mouth


a diagnostic procedure that involves examining the larynx with a laryngoscope to assess health and function


an examination of the inside of the eye using a specialized instrument called an ophthalmoscope

офтальмоскопія, огляд дна ока

a medical procedure using a thin, lighted tube to examine your lower bowel for growths or other problems


a diagnostic procedure that involves using contrast dye and X-ray imaging to assess the aorta's health and function


a diagnostic procedure that uses contrast dye and imaging to assess the health and function of the heart's ventricles

кардіальна вентрикулографія, вентрикулографія серця

a medical imaging technique that uses sound waves to create real-time images for diagnostic purposes

ультразвукова діагностика, УЗД

a balance test that measures how well someone can maintain stability during changing sensory input, used to assess vestibular function and postural control

динамічна постурографія, оцінка постуральної стабільності

the examination and analysis of cells to diagnose diseases and detect abnormalities

цитопатологія, аналіз клітин

any X-ray examination of the brain during which the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain ventricles is replaced by air or another gas that acts as a contrast medium

енцефалографія, рентгенографія мозку

a test to assess middle ear function by measuring eardrum movement in response to air pressure changes


the process of obtaining images of the body's anatomy using X-rays, gamma rays, or similar ionizing radiation

радіографія, рентгенографія

the medical procedures and tests during pregnancy to detect potential fetal health issues

пренатальна діагностика, діагностика під час вагітності

a diagnostic procedure that involves analyzing an individual's DNA to identify specific genetic mutations, variations, or abnormalities

генетичне тестування, генетичний аналіз

a medical examination that employs imaging technologies to visualize and diagnose diseases within the body


a hands-on medical examination to assess the characteristics of underlying structures in the body

пальпація, пальпаторне обстеження

a complete medical examination of the body to see if there are any health issues

медичний огляд
a non-invasive technique that uses near-infrared light to study functional processes in biological tissues by measuring changes in tissue absorption and scattering

дифузійна оптична візуалізація, дифузна оптична іміджинг

a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that measures the random motion of water molecules in tissues, providing information about the structural integrity and cellular organization of the examined tissue

дифузійно-зважене зображення, іміджинг дифузії

a technique that measures the decay time of fluorescence emitted by fluorophores, providing information about molecular interactions, environmental conditions, and cellular processes in biological samples

іміджування флюоресценції з тривалістю життя, іміджування тривалості флуоресценції

a substance used in medical imaging that enhances the visualization of specific tissues or processes, aiding in the accurate diagnosis and assessment of various medical conditions

імігуючий агент, речовина для візуалізації

the non-invasive visualization and tracking of biological processes or events using the emission of light by living organisms or their genetically modified components

імідж біолюмінесценції, біолюмінесцентна візуалізація

a technique that involves the detection and monitoring of changes in intracellular calcium levels in living cells or organisms, providing insights into various physiological and biochemical processes

кальцієва візуалізація, іміджинг кальцію

a scientific technique that utilizes specialized instruments and optics to magnify and visualize objects or specimens at a microscopic level, enabling the study of detailed structures, cellular components, and biological processes

мікроскопія, техніка мікроскопії

the visualization and analysis of molecular and cellular processes in living organisms for disease detection, molecular tracking, and therapeutic evaluation

молекулярна уявленість, молекулярна візуалізація

a gynecological screening test to find early signs of cancer in a woman's neck of the womb

тест Папаніколаоу, цитологічне дослідження