Книга Solutions - Вище середнього - Блок 1 - 1А
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділів 1 - 1A в підручнику Solutions Upper-Intermediate, наприклад «суджливий», «ексцентричний», «довірливий» тощо.
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others

making use of imagination or innovation in bringing something into existence

behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional

екстравагантний, незвичайний

believing things very easily and being easily tricked because of it

доверливий, наївний

not confident about oneself or one's skills and abilities

невпевнений, недостатньо впевнений у собі

tending to criticize or form negative opinions about others without considering their perspective or circumstances

осуджувальний, критичний

showing or having enthusiasm or strong emotions about something one care deeply about

possessing a friendly personality and willing to spend time with people

соціальний, комунікабельний

putting other people's needs before the needs of oneself

безкорисливий, самовідданий

excessively pleased with oneself or one's accomplishments, often to the point of not feeling the need to improve or change

самозадоволений, задоволений собою

having or showing good judgement, especially in business or politics

проникливий, хитрий

unwilling to change one's attitude or opinion despite good reasons to do so

showing care and understanding toward other people, especially when they are not feeling good

lacking the ability to be trusted due to dishonesty or inconsistency

ненадійний, сумнівний

(of a person) not displaying good or appropriate behavior, particularly in social situations

невихований, грубий

(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks

ready to accept or listen to different views and opinions

відкритий, сприйнятливий

characterized by the capability of thinking or responding quickly and effectively

дотепний, швидко реагуюючий

focusing on one particular goal or purpose, and determined to achieve it

однобокий, цілеспрямований

not easily affected by criticism, insults or negative comments

толстошкірий, незворушний