Книга Total English - Середній - Блок 9 - Довідка
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 9 - Довідник у підручнику Total English Intermediate, наприклад «vacancy», «perk», «stamina» тощо.
to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.

подати заявку, заявити

an increase in salary or wages that an employee receives from their employer

підвищення зарплати, зростання окладу

an extra benefit, advantage, or privilege that one receives in addition to one's salary due to one's job

перевага, додаткова вигода

a letter written by a former employer about a former employee who has applied for a new job, giving information about them

рекомендація, лист-рекомендація

a flexible work schedule in which employees can set their own working hours within a certain framework or range of hours

гнучкий графік, гнучкий робочий час

an individual who works independently without having a long-term contract with companies

фрілансер, незалежний працівник

feeling extremely tired physically or mentally, often due to a lack of sleep

a small piece of paper showing the foods and drinks that we have ordered in a restaurant, cafe, etc. and the amount that we have to pay

thin slices of potato that are fried or baked until crispy and eaten as a snack

чіпси, сухарики

thin slices of potato that have been cooked in hot oil until they are crispy and golden brown

картопля фрі, фрі

a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

фільм, картина

a story told through a series of moving pictures with sound, usually watched via television or in a cinema

a liquid fuel that is used in internal combustion engines such as car engines, etc.

бензин, паливо

the official service or system responsible for delivering letters, parcels, and other mail to their intended recipients

пошта, поштовий сервіс

a ticket for a journey from one place to another and back again

квиток туди і назад, зворотний квиток

a journey to a destination and back to the point of departure

подорож туди і назад, квиток туди і назад

a city's railway system that is below the ground, usually in big cities

метро, підземний транспорт

having a strong desire or ambition to achieve a goal or accomplish a task

мотивований, ангусьований

having the power to inspire or encourage action towards a goal or objective

мотивуючий, вдохновляючий

the sum of money that is available to a person, an organization, etc. for a particular purpose and the plan according to which it will be spent

the act of assigning tasks, responsibilities, or authority to others to distribute workload in a way that maximizes efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness

делегування, призначення

healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet

capable of adjusting easily to different situations, circumstances, or needs

гнучкий, адаптивний

the mental or physical strength that makes one continue doing something hard for a long time

витривалість, стійкість

a piece of printed paper that shows the amount of money a person has to pay for goods or services received

рахунок, квитанція

a very wide road that has no intersections or cross-traffic and is designed for high-speed travel

автомагістраль, швидкісна дорога

a controlled-access highway that has no intersections or cross-traffic and is designed for high-speed travel

автострада, шосе

a cellular phone or cell phone; a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

мобільний телефон, сотовий телефон

a phone that we can carry with us and use anywhere because it has no wires

мобільний телефон