Прикметники Абстрактних Атрибутів - Прикметники дійсності
Ці прикметники описують характеристики, природу або якості того, що є реальним або існує у світі, на відміну від того, що є нереальним і вигаданим.
not imaginary, but rather capable of being perceived by the senses
реальний, справжній
based on facts or reality, rather than opinions or emotions
фактичний, який базується на фактах
existing in reality rather than being theoretical or imaginary
фактичний, реальний
based only on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or judgments
real and tangible, existing in physical form that can be sensed or experienced
конкретний, відчутний
currently real and present in the world, not imagined or fictional
існуючий, наступний
able to be seen, noticed, or perceived, typically through the senses
спостережуваний, видимий
not conforming to reality or genuine standards, lacking substance or truth
нереальний, псевдостатистичний
not real or true and existing only in the mind rather than in physical reality
created by imagination and not based on real events or people
вигаданий, фантастичний
involving or characterized by short, personal stories or accounts rather than factual evidence or analysis
анекдотичний, той
coming from the imagination rather than facts
фантастичний, магічний
created by imagination and not based on reality
вигаданий, фантастичний
not real but designed to imitate or replicate the real thing
імітаційний, симульований
based on or influenced by personal feelings or opinions rather than facts
existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
абстрактний, концептуальний
appearing real or true but actually being based on illusion or deception
ілюзорний, обманливий
imaginary or fictional, often used in play or storytelling to create an illusion of reality
вигаданий, уявний
deeply involving and absorbing participants, providing a strong sense of being fully engaged
імітаційний, занурюючий