Adjetivos de Atributos Abstratos - Adjetivos da realidade
Esses adjetivos descrevem as características, natureza ou qualidades do que é real ou existe no mundo, em oposição ao que é irreal e ficcional.
based on facts or reality, rather than opinions or emotions

factual, baseado em fatos

based only on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or judgments

objetivo, imparcial

real and tangible, existing in physical form that can be sensed or experienced

concreto, tangível

not real and existing only in the mind rather than in physical reality

imaginário, irreal

based on or influenced by personal feelings or opinions rather than facts

subjetivo, subjetividade

existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence

abstrato, conceitual

imaginary or fictional, often used in play or storytelling to create an illusion of reality

imaginário, fictício