Реляційні Прикметники - Прикметники хімії
Ці прикметники стосуються галузі хімії, яка охоплює вивчення матерії, її властивостей, складу, реакцій тощо.
relating to or consisting of cells, the basic structural units of living organisms or systems

клітинний, з клітин

consisting of or relating to molecules, which are groups of atoms bonded together


containing or relating to a dangerous form of energy produced by nuclear reactions

радіоактивний, радіоактивна

relating to the basic building blocks of matter, known as chemical elements

елементарний, основний

referring to processes or reactions involving the addition of oxygen or the loss of electrons from a substance

окислювальний, окислювальна

referring to substances or solutions that have a pH value lower than 7, indicating a higher concentration of hydrogen ions and often a sour taste

кислий, кислотний

having the characteristics of a base, such as a pH above 7, the ability to neutralize acids, or the presence of hydroxide ions

основний, лужний

referring to substances or processes that facilitate or speed up chemical reactions without being consumed in the process

каталітичний, що прискорює

related to pain-relieving medications derived from opium or synthetic alternatives


related to atoms, the smallest units of matter, including their structure, properties, and interactions

атоми́чний, связанный с атомами

relating to particles or forces that exist within atoms, including particles smaller than atoms themselves or the interactions between these particles

субатомний, підатомний

related to heat or temperature, including how heat moves, how materials expand with temperature changes, and the energy stored in heat

тепловий, термічний

referring to processes or substances related to the chemical reactions that occur within living organisms


referring to organic compounds with straight or branched carbon chains, not cyclic or aromatic structures


relating to molecules or compounds that have the same molecular formula but different arrangements of atoms
