Загальна Підготовка до IELTS (Рівень 5 і Нижче) - Transportation
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з транспортом, які необхідні для іспиту General Training IELTS.
a large object with an engine, such as a car or truck, used for transporting people or goods

транспортний засіб
a piece of paper or card that shows you can do or get something, like ride on a bus or attend an event

a list or chart that shows the departure and arrival times of trains, buses, airplanes, etc.

розклад, графік

a flying vehicle with fixed wings that moves people and goods from one place to another through sky

аероплан, літак
a big vehicle without back windows, smaller than a truck, used for carrying people or things

a vehicle, typically with a driver for hire, used to transport passengers to their destinations in exchange for an amount of money


the system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, etc. that are available to everyone and provided by the government or companies

громадський транспорт
a railway system that has only one rail instead of two, usually in an elevated position


a road that goes round a city or town rather than going through the city center

об'їзд, обхід

to move a car, bus, etc. into an empty place and leave it there for a short time

to let a person waiting by a road or street to get inside one's vehicle and give them a ride

підібрати, забрати

to signal or direct a driver to move their vehicle to the side of the road

зупинити (когось), попросити зігнати на узбіччя

to come into sudden and forceful contact with another object or person

зіткнутися, битися

a situation where vehicles hit each other or a person is hit by a vehicle

аварія, дорожньо-транспортна пригода

to park a vehicle alongside another parked vehicle

припаркуватися вдвічі, подвійна парковка