Загальна Підготовка IELTS (Рівень 6-7) - Shopping
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з покупками, які необхідні для іспиту General Training IELTS.
a row of black and white lines printed on a product that contain information such as its price, readable only by a computer

штрих-код, кодування штрихом

a store or organization where the products of a particular company are sold at a lower price

аутлет, магазин зі знижками

someone on the street who offers food, clothing, etc. for sale

вуличний продавець, торговець на вулиці

an outdoor marketplace where used goods and antiques are sold, typically at lower prices

блошиний ринок, ринок старожитностей

a vehicle that has two or four wheels and is used to carry objects in an airport, terminal, or supermarket

візок, коток

an amount of money that is paid back because of returning goods to a store or one is not satisfied with the goods or services

something given away without charge, often as a promotional incentive

безкоштовний подарунок, подарунок за акцією

a small piece of document that is used for buying things with a lower price

купон, талон

a digital code or a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money when making a purchase or used to receive a discount

ваучер, купон

a public sale in which goods or properties are sold to the person who bids higher

аукціон, торги

the last recommended day for a product to be sold before its quality begins to deteriorate

термін придатності, остання дата продажу

someone who spends a lot of time shopping, often buying unnecessary things

шопоголік, покупець-маніяк

a book typically small, with information, images, and details about a product, service, organization, or event

an intermediary between the producer and the consumer in a transaction

посередник, третя особа

the illegal purchase and selling of goods in high price, ofen in an unreasonable price

чорний ринок, нелегальний ринок

to send goods or individuals from one place to another using some form of transportation

to negotiate the terms of a contract, sale, or similar arrangement for a better agreement, price, etc.

торгуватися, домовлятися

to produce products in large quantities by using machinery

виготовляти, виробляти
to offer a particular price for something, usually at an auction

робити ставку, пропонувати ціну

to visit different stores to compare the price of a particular product or products before buying

порівнювати ціни, робити порівняльний шопінг