
Všeobecný Trénink IELTS (Pásmo 6-7) - Shopping

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s nakupováním, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.









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Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (6-7)

a small label attached to goods displaying their price

nálepka, tag

nálepka, tag

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the amount of money required for buying something



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a row of black and white lines printed on a product that contain information such as its price, readable only by a computer

čárový kód, barevný kód

čárový kód, barevný kód

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the amount of money that is reduced from the usual price of something

sleva, snížení ceny

sleva, snížení ceny

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a store or organization where the products of a particular company are sold at a lower price

outlet, slevový obchod

outlet, slevový obchod

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a small store in which fashionable clothes or accessories are sold



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a small store with an open front selling newspapers, etc.



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someone on the street who offers food, clothing, etc. for sale

pouliční prodejce, stánkař

pouliční prodejce, stánkař

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flea market

an outdoor marketplace where used goods and antiques are sold, typically at lower prices

bleší trh, antiquitní trh

bleší trh, antiquitní trh

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a vehicle that has two or four wheels and is used to carry objects in an airport, terminal, or supermarket

vozík, nákupní vozík

vozík, nákupní vozík

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an amount of money that is paid back because of returning goods to a store or one is not satisfied with the goods or services

vrácení, náhrada

vrácení, náhrada

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a place in a supermarket where people pay for the goods they buy

pokladna, placení

pokladna, placení

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something given away without charge, often as a promotional incentive

dar, produkt zdarma

dar, produkt zdarma

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a small piece of document that is used for buying things with a lower price

kupon, slevový poukaz

kupon, slevový poukaz

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a digital code or a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money when making a purchase or used to receive a discount

poukaz, kupón

poukaz, kupón

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a public sale in which goods or properties are sold to the person who bids higher

aukce, dražba

aukce, dražba

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sell-by date

the last recommended day for a product to be sold before its quality begins to deteriorate

datum spotřeby, doporučený termín prodeje

datum spotřeby, doporučený termín prodeje

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someone who spends a lot of time shopping, often buying unnecessary things

nakupovací maniak, nákupní závislák

nakupovací maniak, nákupní závislák

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a book typically small, with information, images, and details about a product, service, organization, or event

brožura, leták

brožura, leták

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an intermediary between the producer and the consumer in a transaction

prostředník, zprostředkovatel

prostředník, zprostředkovatel

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black market

the illegal purchase and selling of goods in high price, ofen in an unreasonable price

černý trh, nelegální trh

černý trh, nelegální trh

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an order placed before the product is available for sale



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to resell

to sell something one has previously purchased

přeprodat, znovu prodat

přeprodat, znovu prodat

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to ship

to send goods or individuals from one place to another using some form of transportation

odeslat, poslat

odeslat, poslat

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to wrap

to cover an object in paper, soft fabric, etc.

zabalit, obalit

zabalit, obalit

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to import

to buy goods from a foreign country and bring them to one's own



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to export

to send goods or services to a foreign country for sale or trade

exportovat, odebírat zboží

exportovat, odebírat zboží

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to bargain

to negotiate the terms of a contract, sale, or similar arrangement for a better agreement, price, etc.

vyjednávat, targovat

vyjednávat, targovat

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to manufacture

to produce products in large quantities by using machinery

vyrábět, produkovat

vyrábět, produkovat

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to afford

to be able to pay the cost of something

dovolit si, moci si dovolit

dovolit si, moci si dovolit

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to bid

to offer a particular price for something, usually at an auction

přihazovat, nabízet cenu

přihazovat, nabízet cenu

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to comparison-shop

to visit different stores to compare the price of a particular product or products before buying

srovnávat ceny, porovnávat v obchodech

srovnávat ceny, porovnávat v obchodech

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to barter

to exchange goods or services without using money

vyměnit, trokovat

vyměnit, trokovat

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