Необхідний Словниковий Запас для Іспиту SAT - гальмування
Тут ви дізнаєтеся кілька англійських слів, пов’язаних із гальмуванням, як-от «перешкодити», «викорінити», «шкідливий» тощо, які вам знадобляться, щоб досягти результатів SAT.
to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress
to make something impossible, especially by taking action in advance
to take away from something's effect, value, size, power, or amount
to lessen the intensity of something or keep it under control, often through restraint or inhibition
to intentionally prevent someone or something from accomplishing a purpose or plan
to cause someone to lose their sense of direction, leading to confusion or a feeling of being lost
to stop supporting an idea, policy, concept, etc.
to exclude someone from a community or group as a form of punishment or social rejection
to do something to avoid or decrease the harmful or unpleasant effects of something
to completely destroy something, particularly a problem or threat
to cause widespread destruction or devastation, often resulting in complete ruin
to discourage or prevent someone from doing something, usually by creating fear or doubt in their mind
to make a counterattack or respond in a similar manner
to compensate for the effects of something through appropriate actions or measures
done before something else happens to prevent a problem or danger
the act of completely destroying or eliminating something, especially a population or group