ACT Англійська і Світові Знання - Movement
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з рухом, наприклад «locomotion», «jerky», «transplant» тощо, які допоможуть вам покращити свої ACT.
to move in a rhythmic or repetitive pattern that rises and falls
коливатися, мятися
to make a vehicle, machine or object move more quickly
прискорити, прискорити рух
to spread or move around among people or places, often in a continuous manner
циркулювати, поширювати
to strategically navigate or direct a vehicle, object, or oneself through a series of planned movements
маневрувати, керувати
to move quickly and lightly from somewhere or something to another
літати, пурхати
to move across or through a particular area, often with the intention of reaching a destination or following a specific course
пересуватися, слідувати
to gather or travel to a place in large, dense groups
збиратися, кинутися
to surpass, exceed, or move faster than someone or something
випереджати, перевершувати
to flip or reverse the position or arrangement of something
інвертувати, перевернути
to move swiftly and smoothly across a surface or through the air, often in a broad or wide-ranging motion
підмітати, кочувати
to convey or move people or items back and forth between locations
перевозити, шведувати
to cause something to depart from an established course
відхиляти, девіація
to uproot or relocate someone or something
пересаджувати, переміщувати
to meet or cross another path, line, etc. at a particular point
перетинатися, перехрещуватися
to move apart and continue in another direction
дивергувати, відхилятися
to control the direction of a moving object, such as a car, ship, etc.
керувати, направляти
(of a river, trail, etc.) to follow along a curvy or indirect path
зміюватись, крутитись
to lower or cause to move downward in position
знижувати, депресувати
to transfer liquid from one container to another using a tube or hose, typically by creating a vacuum or by gravity
відкачувати, перекачувати
to transport or haul something heavy or cumbersome with effort
тягнути, перевозити
to move or be drawn towards a center of gravity or mass, influenced by gravitational attraction
гравітувати, приближатися
to move repeatedly from side to side, often in a rhythmic or playful manner
махати, гойдати
to move in a slow, heavy, and awkward manner, often due to the size or weight of the body or object being carried
повертати, переміщатися важко
to move in a twisting or whirling motion, creating a pattern of circular or spiral motion
крутитися, закручуватись
to change direction or take a different course
відхиляти, змінювати курс
sudden, quick, and irregular motions characterized by abrupt starts and stops
різкий, рваний
marked by sudden, involuntary, and jerky muscular contractions or spasms
конвульсивний, судорожний
(of the voice or body) shaking in a slight, fragile manner, often due to nerves, fear, age or illness
тремтливий, трепетний
moving or turning in the same direction as the hands of a clock
за годинниковою стрілкою, годинниковий
the power or ability to move on one's own without any external force
локомоція, здатність до руху
the path an object, usually a rocket, follows in air or space
траєкторія, шлях
the act or process of advancing or moving forward in a gradual or orderly manner
прогрес, поступ
the amount of energy or particles passing through per unit area per unit time
потік, флюкс
the action or process of driving or propelling an object forward through a medium, typically involving the generation of thrust or force