Inglese e Conoscenza del Mondo per l'ACT - Movement
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi legate al movimento, come "locomotion", "jerky", "transplant", ecc. che ti aiuteranno a superare i tuoi ACT.
to spread or move around among people or places, often in a continuous manner

circolare, diffondere

to strategically navigate or direct a vehicle, object, or oneself through a series of planned movements

manovrare, navigare

to move quickly and lightly from somewhere or something to another

zampettare, sfrecciare

to move across or through a particular area, often with the intention of reaching a destination or following a specific course

attraversare, seguire

to move swiftly and smoothly across a surface or through the air, often in a broad or wide-ranging motion

sweep, strisciare

to convey or move people or items back and forth between locations

navettare, trasportare

to meet or cross another path, line, etc. at a particular point

intersecare, incrociare

(of a river, trail, etc.) to follow along a curvy or indirect path

serpeggiare, meandrare

to transfer liquid from one container to another using a tube or hose, typically by creating a vacuum or by gravity

sifonare, estrarre

to move or be drawn towards a center of gravity or mass, influenced by gravitational attraction

gravitare, tendere verso

to move repeatedly from side to side, often in a rhythmic or playful manner

scodinzolare, agitare

to move in a slow, heavy, and awkward manner, often due to the size or weight of the body or object being carried

muoversi pesantemente, camminare con difficoltà

to move in a twisting or whirling motion, creating a pattern of circular or spiral motion

sudden, quick, and irregular motions characterized by abrupt starts and stops

a scatti, irregolare

marked by sudden, involuntary, and jerky muscular contractions or spasms

convulsivo, convulsiva

(of the voice or body) shaking in a slight, fragile manner, often due to nerves, fear, age or illness

moving or turning in the same direction as the hands of a clock

in senso orario, a orologio

the power or ability to move on one's own without any external force

locomozione, movimento autonomo

the path an object, usually a rocket, follows in air or space

traiettoria, percorso

the act or process of advancing or moving forward in a gradual or orderly manner

progressione, sviluppo

the amount of energy or particles passing through per unit area per unit time

flusso, campo