
اللغة الإنجليزية والمعرفة العالمية ACT - Movement

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالحركة، مثل "locomotion"، "jerky"، "transplant"، وما إلى ذلك والتي ستساعدك على إتقان أفعالك.




بطاقات الفلاش




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ابدأ التعلم
ACT Vocabulary for English and World Knowledge
to waver

to move in a rhythmic or repetitive pattern that rises and falls

يتمايل, يتأرجح

يتمايل, يتأرجح

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to twitch

to make a sudden, brief, and involuntary movement

اهتزاز, ارتجاف

اهتزاز, ارتجاف

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to tilt

to incline or lean in a particular direction

يميل, يميل نحو

يميل, يميل نحو

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to rebound

to bounce back after hitting a surface

ارتد, عاد

ارتد, عاد

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to pivot

to rotate around a central point or axis

يلتفت, يدور

يلتفت, يدور

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to accelerate

to make a vehicle, machine or object move more quickly

تسريع, زيادة السرعة

تسريع, زيادة السرعة

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to circulate

to spread or move around among people or places, often in a continuous manner

يتداول, ينتشر

يتداول, ينتشر

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to maneuver

to strategically navigate or direct a vehicle, object, or oneself through a series of planned movements

مناورة, توجيه

مناورة, توجيه

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to flit

to move quickly and lightly from somewhere or something to another

يتقافز, يطفو

يتقافز, يطفو

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to track

to move across or through a particular area, often with the intention of reaching a destination or following a specific course

اجتياز, تتبع

اجتياز, تتبع

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to swarm

to gather or travel to a place in large, dense groups

تجمع, زحف

تجمع, زحف

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to seep

to slowly leak or pass through small openings

تسرب, ينفذ

تسرب, ينفذ

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to outpace

to surpass, exceed, or move faster than someone or something

يتجاوز, يفوق

يتجاوز, يفوق

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to ooze

to slowly leak or pass through small openings

تسرب, يقطر

تسرب, يقطر

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to invert

to flip or reverse the position or arrangement of something

يعكس, يغير

يعكس, يغير

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to sweep

to move swiftly and smoothly across a surface or through the air, often in a broad or wide-ranging motion

كنس, تجريف

كنس, تجريف

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to shuttle

to convey or move people or items back and forth between locations

نقل, تنقل

نقل, تنقل

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to deviate

to cause something to depart from an established course

يُحيد, يَحيد

يُحيد, يَحيد

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to cart

to move or convey a heavy object with effort

نقل, سحب

نقل, سحب

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to transplant

to uproot or relocate someone or something

زراعة, نقل

زراعة, نقل

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to intersect

to meet or cross another path, line, etc. at a particular point

يتقاطع, يتداخل

يتقاطع, يتداخل

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to diverge

to move apart and continue in another direction

يتباعد, يختلف

يتباعد, يختلف

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to steer

to control the direction of a moving object, such as a car, ship, etc.

توجيه, قيادة

توجيه, قيادة

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to meander

(of a river, trail, etc.) to follow along a curvy or indirect path

أخذ المنعطفات, تعرج

أخذ المنعطفات, تعرج

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to depress

to lower or cause to move downward in position

خفض, أقلق

خفض, أقلق

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to hurtle

to move with speed and intensity

يهرول, يندفع

يهرول, يندفع

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to siphon

to transfer liquid from one container to another using a tube or hose, typically by creating a vacuum or by gravity

شفط, سحب

شفط, سحب

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to lug

to transport or haul something heavy or cumbersome with effort

يسحب, ينقل

يسحب, ينقل

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to gravitate

to move or be drawn towards a center of gravity or mass, influenced by gravitational attraction

يتدحرج, ينجذب

يتدحرج, ينجذب

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to flop

to move in a loose, uncontrolled, or erratic manner

يتخبط, يتلاعب

يتخبط, يتلاعب

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to wag

to move repeatedly from side to side, often in a rhythmic or playful manner

لوّح, هزّ

لوّح, هزّ

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to lumber

to move in a slow, heavy, and awkward manner, often due to the size or weight of the body or object being carried

يتحرك ببطء, يتنقل بصعوبة

يتحرك ببطء, يتنقل بصعوبة

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to swirl

to move in a twisting or whirling motion, creating a pattern of circular or spiral motion

يدور, يتلوى

يدور, يتلوى

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to divert

to change direction or take a different course

تحويل, تغيير الاتجاه

تحويل, تغيير الاتجاه

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sudden, quick, and irregular motions characterized by abrupt starts and stops

متقطع, غير منتظم

متقطع, غير منتظم

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marked by sudden, involuntary, and jerky muscular contractions or spasms

تشنجي, متشنج

تشنجي, متشنج

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(of the voice or body) shaking in a slight, fragile manner, often due to nerves, fear, age or illness

متموج, مرتجف

متموج, مرتجف

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moving or turning in the same direction as the hands of a clock

في اتجاه عقارب الساعة, عقارب الساعة

في اتجاه عقارب الساعة, عقارب الساعة

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the power or ability to move on one's own without any external force

الحركة الذاتية, نقل

الحركة الذاتية, نقل

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the path an object, usually a rocket, follows in air or space

مسار, محور

مسار, محور

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the act or process of advancing or moving forward in a gradual or orderly manner

تقدم, تحرك

تقدم, تحرك

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the amount of energy or particles passing through per unit area per unit time

تدفق, فلوكس

تدفق, فلوكس

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the action or process of driving or propelling an object forward through a medium, typically involving the generation of thrust or force



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a rapid and sudden drop from the sky

انقضاض, سقوط

انقضاض, سقوط

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