بی ون سطح کی الفاظ کی فہرست - ضروری فعل
یہاں آپ انگریزی کے کچھ ضروری فعل سیکھیں گے، جیسے کہ B1 سیکھنے والوں کے لیے تیار کردہ "چہرہ"، "فولڈ" "فورس" وغیرہ۔
فلیش کارڈز
to personally be involved in and understand a particular situation, event, etc.

تجربہ کرنا, محسوس کرنا

to make someone behave a certain way or do a particular action, even if they do not want to

مجبور کرنا, زبردستی کرنا

to attach something to a higher point so that it is supported from above and can swing freely

لٹکانا, ٹھوکرنا

to tightly and closely hold someone in one's arms, typically a person one loves

گلے لگانا, آلنگن کرنا

to intentionally pay no or little attention to someone or something

نظر انداز کرنا, غفلت کرنا

to express that there are signs or clues that suggest a particular idea or conclusion

اشارہ کرنا, بتانا

to use a heated appliance to straighten and smooth wrinkles and creases from fabric

استری کرنا, آئرن کرنا

to stick or put something such as tag or marker, with a little information written on it, on an object

لیبل کرنا, نشاندہی کرنا

to be without or to not have enough of something that is needed or desirable

کمی ہونا, فقدان ہونا

to combine two or more distinct substances or elements to form a unified whole

ملانا, ملانا

to give a substance containing toxins or harmful elements to a person or animal with the intention of causing illness, harm, or death

زہر دینا, زہریلا کرنا

to make or arrange a plan for a series of events, activities, etc. for a specific purpose or audience

پروگرام کرنا, منصوبہ بنانا

to show that something is true through the use of evidence or facts

ثابت کرنا, ظاہر کرنا

to meet the needed requirements or conditions to be considered suitable for a particular role, status, benefit, etc.

اہلیت حاصل کرنا, شرائط پوری کرنا

(of a surface) to redirect or bounce back heat, light, or sound without absorbing it

عکس کرنا, منعکس کرنا

to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it

یاد دلانا, ذہن نشین کرنا