to personally be involved in and understand a particular situation, event, etc.

体験する, 経験する

to make someone behave a certain way or do a particular action, even if they do not want to

強制する, 無理強いする

to attach something to a higher point so that it is supported from above and can swing freely

掛ける, 吊るす

to tightly and closely hold someone in one's arms, typically a person one loves

抱きしめる, ハグする

to express that there are signs or clues that suggest a particular idea or conclusion

示す, 指し示す

to use a heated appliance to straighten and smooth wrinkles and creases from fabric

アイロンをかける, アイロンがけする

to stick or put something such as tag or marker, with a little information written on it, on an object

ラベルを付ける, マークする

to give a substance containing toxins or harmful elements to a person or animal with the intention of causing illness, harm, or death

毒を盛る, 毒殺する

to make or arrange a plan for a series of events, activities, etc. for a specific purpose or audience

プログラムする, 計画する

to meet the needed requirements or conditions to be considered suitable for a particular role, status, benefit, etc.

資格を得る, 要件を満たす

(of a surface) to redirect or bounce back heat, light, or sound without absorbing it

反射する, 反映する

to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it

思い出させる, 再確認させる