
Lista Słówek Poziomu B1 - Niezbędne czasowniki

Tutaj nauczysz się kilku niezbędnych angielskich czasowników, takich jak "face", "fold", "force" itp. przygotowanych dla uczniów na poziomie B1.









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CEFR B1 Vocabulary
to experience

to personally be involved in and understand a particular situation, event, etc.

doświadczać czegoś

doświadczać czegoś

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to face

to deal with a given situation, especially an unpleasant one



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to fold

to bend something in a way that one part of it touches or covers another

składać (ubrania itp.)

składać (ubrania itp.)

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to force

to make someone behave a certain way or do a particular action, even if they do not want to

zmuszanie kogoś do zrobienia czegoś

zmuszanie kogoś do zrobienia czegoś

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to hand

to physically take an object and give it to someone

dać komuś coś

dać komuś coś

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to hang

to attach something to a higher point so that it is supported from above and can swing freely

wieszanie na ścianie itp.

wieszanie na ścianie itp.

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to head

to move toward a particular direction

poruszanie się w stronę kogoś lub czegoś

poruszanie się w stronę kogoś lub czegoś

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to hold on

to tell someone to wait or pause what they are doing momentarily

to hug

to tightly and closely hold someone in one's arms, typically a person one loves



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to ignore

to intentionally pay no or little attention to someone or something

ignorowanie kogoś lub czegoś

ignorowanie kogoś lub czegoś

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to impact

to have a strong effect on someone or something

mieć wpływ

mieć wpływ

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to indicate

to express that there are signs or clues that suggest a particular idea or conclusion

coś sugerując

coś sugerując

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to influence

to have an effect on a particular person or thing

wpływając na kogoś lub na coś

wpływając na kogoś lub na coś

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to iron

to use a heated appliance to straighten and smooth wrinkles and creases from fabric



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to label

to stick or put something such as tag or marker, with a little information written on it, on an object



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to lack

to be without or to not have enough of something that is needed or desirable

nie posiadać

nie posiadać

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to lay

to carefully place something or someone down in a horizontal position

ostrożnie coś odkładając

ostrożnie coś odkładając

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to limit

to not let something increase in amount or number

to mess

to make something dirty or some place untidy

coś zniszczyć lub zabrudzić

coś zniszczyć lub zabrudzić

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to mix

to combine different substances, elements, or ingredients together to create a unified whole

mieszanie czegoś

mieszanie czegoś

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to note

to observe and pay attention to something



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to occur

to come to be or take place, especially unexpectedly or naturally

stać się

stać się

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to persuade

to make a person do something through reasoning or other methods



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to place

to lay or put something somewhere

umieszczenie czegoś gdzieś

umieszczenie czegoś gdzieś

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to poison

to give a substance containing toxins or harmful elements to a person or animal with the intention of causing illness, harm, or death



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to pour

to make a container's liquid flow out of it



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to press

to push a thing tightly against something else



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to program

to make or arrange a plan for a series of events, activities, etc. for a specific purpose or audience

planuje coś

planuje coś

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to prove

to show that something is true through the use of evidence or facts

udowadniając coś

udowadniając coś

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to qualify

to meet the needed requirements or conditions to be considered suitable for a particular role, status, benefit, etc.



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to reflect

(of a surface) to redirect or bounce back heat, light, or sound without absorbing it



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to relate

to make or show a logical connection between two things

znalezienie związku między dwiema rzeczami

znalezienie związku między dwiema rzeczami

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to release

to let go of something and let it be or move freely



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to remain

to stay in the place one has been for some time



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to remind

to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it

przypominać komuś o czymś

przypominać komuś o czymś

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to represent

to be an image, sign, symbol, etc. of something



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to freeze

to become hard or turn to ice because of reaching or going below 0° Celsius



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