
Sách Face2face - Trung cấp cao - Tổ 9 - 9A

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 9 - 9A trong giáo trình Face2Face Upper-Intermediate, chẳng hạn như "sequel", "rave review", "trailer", v.v.


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Face2face - Upper-intermediate

a building where films are shown

ci nê

ci nê

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a product such as a new movie, video game, etc. made available to the public

cái cúp điện

cái cúp điện

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rave review

an article published in a newspaper or magazine that praises a movie, book, etc.

đánh giá tích cực

đánh giá tích cực

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to dub

to change the original language of a movie or TV show into another language

đặt tên

đặt tên

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transcribed or translated words of the narrative or dialogues of a movie or TV show, appearing at the bottom of the screen to help deaf people or those who do not understand the language

phụ đề phim

phụ đề phim

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a motion picture or piece of music that is made based on an old song or movie

sự làm lại

sự làm lại

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a book, movie, play, etc. that continues and extends the story of an earlier one

phần tiếp theo (phim, sách, v.v.)

phần tiếp theo (phim, sách, v.v.)

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to set in

to occur, often referring to something unwelcome

[Động từ]
special effects

techniques used in movies and other media to create cool visuals or sounds using computers or filmmaking tricks to add excitement

hiệu ứng đặc biệt

hiệu ứng đặc biệt

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all the actors and actresses in a movie, play, etc.

diễn viên

diễn viên

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a large group of items, objects, or people that are regarded as being together or as having certain characteristics in common

điều may rủi

điều may rủi

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a structure made in a factory that is used for living and can be moved easily

cây leo

cây leo

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an independent sequence of a motion picture or TV program that is recorded by one camera without any interruption

cú sút banh

cú sút banh

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the recorded sounds, speeches, or music of a movie, play, or musical

âm thanh của nhạc

âm thanh của nhạc

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pieces of clothing worn by actors or performers for a role, or worn by someone to look like another person or thing

cách ăn mặt

cách ăn mặt

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