a word we say when we are leaving someone or when they are leaving, or at the end of a phone call

再见! 祝你有个美好的一天!, 拜拜! 祝你今天愉快!

the days of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday, when people do not have to go to work or school

周末, 星期六和星期日

thank you
something we say to someone to show we are grateful to them for something that they have done for us or given us

谢谢, 感谢你

a courteous response to express that one is happy or willing to do something for someone else, typically in response to an expression of gratitude

很高兴, 乐意效劳

excuse me
said before asking someone a question, as a way of politely getting their attention

劳驾, 不好意思

good morning
something we say when we want to greet or say hello to someone in the morning

早上好, 你好

