在这里您可以找到《Top Notch Fundamentals A》教材第 6 单元 - 第 3 课中的词汇,例如“新”、“干净”、“昂贵”等。
to give details about someone or something to say what they are like
描述, 叙述
the things we wear to cover our body, such as pants, shirts, and jackets
衣服, 服装
recently invented, made, etc.
新的, 最近的
(of a thing) having been used or existing for a long period of time
旧的, 古老的
having stains, bacteria, marks, or dirt
脏的, 污垢的
not having any bacteria, marks, or dirt
干净的, 清洁的
(of clothes) not tight or fitting closely, often allowing freedom of movement
宽松的, 松的
(of clothes or shoes) fitting closely or firmly, especially in an uncomfortable way
紧绷的, 紧的
having a low price
便宜的, 超值的
having a high price
昂贵的, 价格高的
(of two points) having an above-average distance between them
长的, 长
having a below-average distance between two points
短, 小