在这里您可以找到《英语成绩中高级》课本中第 1 - 1B 单元的词汇,例如“awously”、“hardlyever”、“rather”等。
at all times, without any exceptions
总是, 始终
on a very infrequent basis
很少, 罕见地
on many occasions
经常, 常常
in most situations or under normal circumstances
通常, 一般来说
after a long time, usually when there has been some difficulty
最终, 终于
not at any point in time
从不, 绝不
in a manner that almost does not occur or happen
几乎不, 很少
on some occasions but not always
有时, 偶尔
under regular or usual circumstances
at or during a time that is not long ago
最近, 不久前
at a pace that is not fast
with no problem or difficulty
轻松地, 毫不费力地
with a lot of care or attention
小心地, 谨慎地
with a lot of speed
迅速地, 快速地
in a way that produces little or no noise
安静地, 静静地
in a way that is right, good, or satisfactory
used to put emphasis on a statement
真的, 确实
to a degree that is high but not very high
相当, 还算
more than average, but not too much
相当, 颇为
to a very great or extreme extent or degree
极其, 非常
to a great extent or degree
非常, 真的
to the highest degree
非常, 极其
used to say that something is nearly the case but not completely
几乎, 差不多
to some extent or degree
相当, 有点儿
to an extent that is more than enough
太, 过于
to a large extent or degree
很多, 非常