书籍 English Result - 中高级 - 单元 1 - 1A
在这里您可以找到《英语成绩中高级》教材中第1 - 1A单元的词汇,例如“ceremonial”、“festivity”、“regulate”等。
to do something special such as dancing or drinking that shows one is happy for an event
庆祝, 祝贺
a gathering or event where people come together to honor someone or something, often with food, music, and dancing
庆祝活动, 庆典
someone who is known by a lot of people, especially in entertainment business
名人, 明星
a formal public or religious occasion where a set of traditional actions are performed
an arranged set of traditional acts to be presented in religious or social gatherings
仪式, 典礼
any form of evidence that confirms the identity of a person or object, such as a name, ID card, fingerprint, or distinctive feature
识别, 身份确认
a country considered as a group of people that share the same history, language, etc., and are ruled by the same government
国家, 民族
to control the amount or degree of something to meet specific standards or requirements
调节, 控制
a rule made by the government, an authority, etc. to control or govern something within a particular area
规定, 条例
(of a person) having an obligation to do something or to take care of someone or something as part of one's job or role
the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one
责任, 义务
an established way of thinking or doing something among a specific group of people
传统, 习俗
belonging to or following the methods or thoughts that are old as opposed to new or different ones
传统的, 经典的