在这里您可以找到 Face2Face 小学教材第 3 - 3A 单元的词汇,例如“日常”、“起床”、“午餐”等。
in a way that happens every day or once a day
每日, 每天
a set of actions or behaviors that someone does regularly or habitually, often in a particular order
常规, 习惯
to get on our feet and stand up
起身, 站起
to travel or move from one location to another
去, 前往
furniture we use to sleep on that normally has a frame and mattress
to go away from somewhere
离开, 走开
the place that we live in, usually with our family
家, 住所
to reach a specific place
到达, 达到
to eat or drink something
吃, 喝
the first meal we have in the early hours of the day
早餐, 第一餐
a meal we eat in the middle of the day
午餐, 中餐
the main meal of the day that we usually eat in the evening
晚餐, 主要餐
to begin something new and continue doing it, feeling it, etc.
开始, 启动
something that we do regularly to earn money
工作, 职业
students as a whole that are taught together
班级, 课程
to make something end
完成, 结束
to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.
学习, 研究
to rest our mind and body, with our eyes closed
睡觉, 入睡
to continue to exist or be alive
生活, 存在