书籍 Interchange - 初级 - 第 7 单元 - 第 3 部分
在这里您可以找到 Interchange 初学者教材第 7 单元 - 第 3 部分中的词汇,例如“glow”、“cozy”、“road”等。
a hanging piece of cloth or other materials that covers a window, opening, etc.
窗帘, 幕布
(of a place) relaxing and comfortable, particularly because of the warmth or small size of the place
舒适的, 温馨的
used to express the happiness and comfort that one feels in their own home, especially after being away for a while
to decide what we want to have or what is best for us from a group of options
选择, 挑选
a living thing, like a cat or a dog, that can move and needs food to stay alive, but not a plant or a human
used to provide a specific situation or instance that helps to clarify or explain a point being made
the part, position, or point of something that has an equal distance from the edges or sides
中间, 中心
an upright structure, usually made of brick, concrete, or stone that is made to divide, protect, or surround a place
墙, 壁
a large fruit with a hard shell and edible white flesh inside containing a milky liquid
a food that is made by baking fruits, vegetables, or meat inside one or multiple layers of pastry
派, 饼
cream that has been beaten by a mixer or whisk until it becomes light and fluffy
奶油, 打发奶油
an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs
电视, 电视机