书籍 Interchange - 初级 - 第 6 单元 - 第 2 部分
在这里您可以找到 Interchange 初学者教材第 6 单元 - 第 2 部分中的词汇,例如“需要”、“早”、“周末”等。
to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something
需要, 必需
the days of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday, when people do not have to go to work or school
周末, 星期六和星期日
a meeting at which one is asked some questions to see whether one is qualified for a course of study, job, etc.
面试, 采访
to have very strong feelings for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of
爱, 喜欢
a space in a building with walls, a floor, and a ceiling where people do different activities
房间, 室
a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes it possible to see, produced by the sun or another source of illumination
people who are involved in commercial or industrial activities, such as buying, selling, or managing a company
商人, 商业人士
someone who is in charge of running a business or managing part or all of a company or organization
经理, 管理者