having an uneven or jagged texture
粗糙的, 不平滑的
gentle to the touch
柔软的, 软的
very difficult to cut, bend, or break
having a thick consistency that clings to surfaces when in contact
粘, 黏
(of food) containing or cooked in a lot of oil
油腻的, 含油的
(of food) containing a lot of oil
油腻的, 油脂多的
having a surface that is even and free from roughness or irregularities
光滑的, 平滑的
having a soft and compressible texture with pores
海绵状的, 柔软的
firm and making a crisp sound when pressed, stepped on, or chewed
脆的, 酥脆的
(of food) having a firm, dry texture that makes a sharp, crunching sound when broken or bitten
having a smooth and reflective surface, resembling glass in appearance and texture
玻璃的, 光滑的
having a point or edge that can pierce or cut something
锋利, 尖锐