Through vs. Thorough
This time, we're gonna analyze these two nearly identical words. Still interested in gaining more knowledge? Well, why don't you join me?
What Is Their Main Difference?
They are only similar in that they can both be adjectives However, 'through' means moving in something and going out from its other side, whereas, 'thorough' indicates doing something completely.
'Through' indicates going in something like a door, an opening, a gate, etc., and moving out of it from the other side. Look at the examples below:
Jimmy rushed
I think she just disappeared
'Thorough' has the same meaning as 'completely'. Look at the following examples:
After having conducted
They can both be adjectives. Look below:
She suddenly screamed: 'I'm
We will provide a
Are They Interchangeable?
As it was clear above, they can never be used interchangeably. One indicates being 'complete', whereas, the other one means to finish or to move into something. Compare:
✓ She moved
X She moved