Watch vs. View
In this lesson, we're gonna talk about all the differences and similarities between these two words. If you wanna learn, join me.
What Is Their Main Difference?
Both indicate seeing something or someone with your eyes. However, 'watching' something takes longer. When we 'watch' something, we pay attention to it, but 'viewing' takes less time.
'Watching' indicates seeing something with your eyes for a long period of time. When you 'watch' something, you actually pay attention to it. Look at the examples below:
They all sat in silence and
I just sat there and
''Viewing', on the other hand, indicates taking a simple glance at something or someone. You do not pay that much attention to something when you 'view' it. Check out the following examples:
As she stood on the terrace, she
Basically, every individual
They both indicate using your eyes to look at something or someone. Check out the examples below:
Are They Interchangeable?
Although they are both used in similar contexts, they cannot be used interchangeably because' watching' something requires more attention than 'viewing' it. Both examples below are correct but they are a bit different in meaning. Compare:
✓ All the students
✓ All the students