Up to date vs. Up-to-date
This time, we're gonna talk about the differences and similarities between these two words. Well, are you familiar with them? Come on.
What Is Their Main Difference?
Both indicate how something has been making progress recently. However, 'up to date' is an adverb phrase, whereas, 'up-to-date' is an adjective phrase.
'Up to date' is an adverb phrase, whereas, 'up-to-date' is an adjective phrase. Look at the following examples:
I asked Ms. Ferrars to bring us
How can I get access to the
Both show how something is making progress recently. Look at the examples below:
Can you bring us
We are now using
Are They Interchangeable?
Since they have different grammatical functions, they cannot be used interchangeably. 'Up to date' is an adverb phrase, while, 'up-to-date' is an adjective phrase. Compare:
✓ The scientists were asked to bring us up to date on how the project is going.
✓ The scientists were asked to bring us