In this lesson, we will learn all about the grammatical differences between these words. Well, do you have any ideas?

"Standalone" vs. "Stand alone" in the English Grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both indicate that something or someone does not rely on anyone or anything. However, 'stand alone' is a verb phras, whereas, 'standalone' is an adjective.


'Stand alone' is a verb phrase, while, 'standalone' is an adjective. Look below:

I always stand alone.

I wanna start my word in a standalone organization.


Both indicate someone or something is independent and on their own. Check out the examples below:

What are standalone systems?

Now that I'm learning to stand alone, I feel more powerful.

Are They Interchangeable?

Since they have different grammatical functions, they cannot be used interchangeably. 'Standalone' is an adjective, while, 'stand alone' is a verb phrase. Compare:

✓ We are a standalone company.

X We are a stand alone company.


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