for intermediate learners

Ever wondered how to greet people? or how to say goodbye? you'll find all kinds of phrases for that here.

Greetings in English

What Are Greetings?

Greetings are words or actions used to acknowledge and welcome someone when you meet them or communicate with them. They are a way of showing politeness and respect towards the other person.

Formal or Informal?

We use formal greetings in serious situations or when we don't know people. We use informal greetings in friendly situations where we already know people. Let's take a look at some examples:

Greetings Formal or informal?
Hi Informal
Morning, guys! Informal
Good afternoon/morning Neutral
How are you ? Informal
What's up? Informal
Pleased to see you. Formal
How's everything? Informal
Howdy? Informal

Greetings in Letters/Emails

When we write letters and emails, we usually use formal greetings. Take a look at these examples:

Phrase Level of Formality
Dear Sir/Madam Formal
I hope this email finds you well Formal
Dear Ms./Mr./Mrs. + [surname] Formal
I hope you are doing well. Formal
To whom it may concern Formal
I’m reaching out about . . . Formal

Saying Goodbye

When we are leaving people, we say goodbye to them. Like saying hello, there are different ways to do this:

Phrase Formal or informal?
Goodbye! Neutral
See you later Neutral
Catch you later Informal
I look forward to our next meeting Formal
Later Informal

Saying Goodbye in Letters/Emails

When we write emails, just like saying hello, we should also say goodbye. Here are some common ways of doing that:

Phrase Formal or informal?
Best regards Formal
Sincerely Formal
Thanks Informal
Sincerely yours Formal
Love Informal

Introducing Yourself

When you want to introduce yourself, you can use different expressions. For example:

  • My name is .../I'm...
  • Nice to meet you; I'm ...
  • Let me introduce myself; I'm ...
  • As you may already know, I'm...
  • I don’t think we’ve met before. My name’s… [your name]

Introducing Others

There are times when we want to introduce someone we know to other people. There are different expressions that we can use in this situation. Take a look at these examples:

  • I’d like you to meet…
  • Have you met… ?
  • I’d like to introduce you to…
  • Everyone, this is.....


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